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Welcome to Narcotics Anonymous!

Narcotics Anonymous is a nonprofit, international, community-based organization for recovering addicts, which is active across the world. Narcotics Anonymous (NA) members learn from one another how to live drug-free and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives.

Who is an Addict?

Most of us do not have to think twice about this question. We know! Our whole life and thinking was centered in drugs in one form or another—the getting and using and finding ways and means to get more. We lived to use and used to live. Very simply, an addict is a man or woman whose life is controlled by drugs. We are people in the grip of a continuing and progressive illness whose ends are always the same: jails, institutions, and death.

Where Can I Get Help?

You can call our Helpline at 678-405-0825 or come to a meeting.

Metro Atlanta Meetings

7:00 pm   Monday   New Connections Group Online
Zoom ID: 984 297 234 PW: 936533

7:00 pm   Monday   New Connections Group
2461 Peachtree Rd   Atlanta, GA 30305
O,D,ENG   Meets in scout hut. This meeting is separate from the New Connections Online virtual meeting occurring at the same time.

8:00 pm   Monday   No Matter What
2512 N Druid Hills Rd NE   Atlanta, GA 30329
O,LIT,RF   Park behind church. Ring bell above door to be let in.